modio Unity Plugin v2.0.5a


- [DownloadClient] Implemented the ability to cancel mod binary downloads, adding the "wasAborted" field to the FileDownloadInfo object.


- [General] APIClient no provides uses the gameId, gameAPIKey, or apiURL key. These fields should now be accessed through the object.

- [APIClient] Now handles the encoding of Steam Encrypted App Tickets within the function call.

- [ModManager] Changed UpdateAllInstalledMods() to DownloadAndUpdateMods() which accepts a list of ids as a parameter, allowing it to be called for subscriptions, instead of just mods that are already installed.

- [UserAuthenticatedData] Now loads the instance from file whenever called if the Application is not playing to allow for changes made to PluginSettings within the editor.


- [UI.ModBrowser] Now correctly cancels mod downloads that are unsubscribed during the download process.

- [UI.ExplorerView] Now clears collected mod views OnDisable, preventing null-refs in the modViews iterator.

- [UI.ScaleFitter] Now performs the resize earlier, preventing a "jump" on load

- [IOUtilities] Allows for a null value when using CombinePath


modioUNITY_v2.0.5a (2018.2).unitypackage 1 MB
Apr 19, 2019

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