modio Unity Plugin v2.0.4

- [APIClient] Finalized implementation of GOG and Steam authentication.

- [APIClient/WebRequestError] No provide far more useful and complete data when logging web request responses.
- [ModManager] TryInstallMod() now only removes the other mod versions if the install succeeds.
- [UI.ExplorerView] Now no longer manages the layouting of the ModTiles, using a template style pattern similar to the standard Unity Dropdown implementation.
- [UI.JumpScrollRect] No longer requires a ScrollRect as a component on the same Game Object.

- Added some missing Filter Field definition classes
- [APIClient] Corrected some mis-typed returns
- [UI.JumpScrollRect] Fixed an issue where nesting the content object within the viewport object caused it to miscalculate the left-most anchor jump position.
- [UI.ModMediaContainer] Fixed an issue where layouting was not being correctly rebuilt when media was changed.


modioUNITY_v2.0.4 (2018.2).unitypackage 1 MB
Apr 08, 2019 1 MB
Feb 25, 2019

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